Clinical trial
reneva is getting closer to commercial release, but before we do, we need your help. join our clinical trial and help us get closer to obtaining FDA approval.
what is a clinical trial?
the official definition: a clinical trial is a research study designed to test the safety and/or effectiveness of drugs, devices, treatments, or preventive measures in humans. clinical trials can be divided into four categories or “phases.” the reneva trial is in its second phase.
phase II trials continue to test the safety of the drug, and begin to evaluate how well the new drug works. Researchers collect additional safety and effectiveness information, study short-term side effects and risks, and collect additional information about the proper dose and dosing schedule. phase II studies are closely monitored and typically involve control groups
the FDA requires that we ‘test’ our products on thousands of people to determine their effectiveness before we can make any claims.
what is the reneva clinical trial?
in this study, adults aged 20-62 years old, who have reported hair loss, will all be prescribed reneva for 32 weeks. in addition, they will be randomly assigned to use either reneva 1, reneva 2, or reneva 3 shampoo, daily for 32 weeks. after 32 weeks, all patients will submit a scalp self-evaluation.
why is the reneva clinical trial necessary?
true, we could continue selling reneva as a cosmetic product. We know it is perfectly safe. and we know it sells well. but that shiny FDA seal sure has some appeal and we know it will allow us to help more and more people.
how do i sign up?
click the apply now link to apply for our clinical trial. application is free. do keep in mind however, that not all applicants are successful. apply now. you have nothing to lose.
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